Day 86 Feed The Birds

Birds and Ducks Need To Eat Too

After a quick stroll down to our quaint little Granville Island for some ice cream and an aimless couple hours of strolling through overpriced souvenir shops, we stopped to sit and watch a few of the boats go by. It’s a Monday afternoon, so what else might actually be going on. I could be at work, but let’s just call today a ‘sick day’.

feed the rats squirrels pigeons
Aw, isn’t he cute. This is more of an action shot as the bird seemed a little hungrier than usual. I guess there weren’t many other individuals with bags of old bread down on the docks today.

Now there are a pile of great vendors to grab some fresh goodies from, which also includes some straight out the oven bread. With our grocery list firmly scrawled onto a sheet of paper, shopping commences…but only after we clear out the cupboards of our stale and near-moldy bread. Even a toaster on high and jar full of peanut butter can’t get me to eat any of that green fuzz.

There is no sense in just throwing the bread out though. Apparently the City is looking to start sending out fines for tossing food waste into the garbage, and although I might be inclined to test their enforcement policies…feeding the city critters might be just a bit more entertaining.

So we park ourselves on a bench and feed those birds. Flocks of them. Gulls, crows, pigeons all looking to fill their gullets. Tourists line up and snap pictures. Little girls scream with glee as a seagull the size of her snaps a crusty chunk of heel from her hand, maybe even catching the tip of her cocktail wiener sized fingers. If there were a few daring rodents out in the sunlight, we probably could have set out a few scraps for them. I am sure when dusk settles in, those crumbs in the cracks will also unmysteriously disappear.

Know also that instead of having the birds dig through the trash for scraps, you can fill their bellies in a clean environment. Sure they might be garbage pickers, but you can do your part to keep these birds healthy and always coming back…maybe with a few of their feathered friends.

Ponds would be less serene without flocks of ducks and geese. Old people would have far too much time on their hands if not for those brave waterfowl willing to hang around for the winters. So be sure to feed the birds.


Day 85 Cook Up One of Those Ducks On High, for Ultimate Crisp Moistness