Day 10 Socks with Sandals

Tanlines from Socks can be Sexy

So it’s a little chilly out, but sunny. That fashionable pair of sandals has been sitting in the back of your closet for the last six months. Why not break them out?

sandals and socks
This guy is a champ! Knee high athletic socks with a classic touring sandal! Give this man a pipe!

Of course sandals are meant to free your toes from the usual suffocating confines of your regular pair of footwear…but what if it’s cold?

A classy pair of socks, chaussettes for you francophiles, not only looks great…it also keeps those toes warm.

We didn’t even get into what you might be wearing with those sandals…sweatpants, maybe some slim fitting denim trouserwear? For pant selection, be sure to ask your dearest lady friends, because surely can’t help you there.
